Thursday, October 6, 2011


Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011

Tribute on Apple website

Circa 2001, I was first properly introduced to Macs while working at an IT trading company. Despite the majority of my work involving the Mac-rival PC, I got to know Apple machines better than ever. I had to coz we were selling it. Went to few trainings and briefings to make sure we were well-informed on it, the Mac OS X (OS 10, not OS ex), read the Mac Myths, warmed up to the term i's (iTunes, iMovie etc). I was fascinated by what these apps could do, simple few clicks and drag-drops. Who ever said that Macs were not user friendly?

Then of course, there was this genius guy, the Co-Founder of Apple, the mastermind. This was when I learned about Mr Steve Jobs.

Going along the years (until 2006 when I resigned from the company), I could not help myself from getting fascinated by his innovative creations. There were the iMac G3, iMac G4, PowerMacs, PowerBooks, iPod, with all the apps. Very suitable for the creative people or those working in the creative industry, also for the youngsters market.

Though I switched career and went from IT to retail industry, I kept close with Apple's developments. Mr Jobs later introduced the iPhone and latest gadget he brought to the world is iPad. No doubt that Steve Jobs is one of the greatest innovators in the modern world!

And later came the news that he was diagnosed with cancer. Saw pics of him giving his keynotes at Mac conventions, skinny, how he had lost weight battling the illness. Pity him.

On Oct 5 2011, he lost his long battle with pancreatic cancer (PC)...I read a comment somewhere on the internet "too bad he lost to PC"...subtle...very subtle.

Steve Jobs has died. And I can't help feeling sad for I've always admired him for Apple.

The only Apple gadget I have has been carefully kept in my closet for the past 3 months. I have been meaning to use it but kept postponing since I already have my BlackBerry.

Therefore, today as the whole world mourns the death of Steve Jobs, I have decided to officially start using my iPhone4.

Thank you Steve Jobs!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trying New Recipes

Chocolate Chip Shortbread Wedges & Italian Cream of Mushroom

9 Ramadan - Hari Rajin Sedunia hehe. Tiba-tiba teringat nak buat mushroom soup yang macam kat Pizza Hut untuk anak-anak (my kids LOVE it plus the garlic bread). Terjumpa satu resipi setelah meng'google' di satu forum maya ni. Semangat pun memuncak...mood suda mari! Went to buy some of the ingredients right after work. Kebetulan the night before, came across this Chocolate Chip Shortbread Wedges from Kongsi Resipi...hmm...VERY simple to do so semangat pun double memuncak to make both of these tonight.

Maka itulah hasilnya (rujuk gambar di atas). Banyak boleh improve lagi. The mushroom soup agak cair, should've tambah lagi kentang & tepung jagung utk lebih pekat. The taste quite ok...mcm Campbell or Vono punya tu. Cuma slack sikit sbb tadi masa beli bahan2, tak jumpa Cream...yg ada hanya Whipping Cream. Jadi terpaksa replaced with susu cair. Ok nevermind, I will surely try the recipe again next time. As for the garlic bread, I simply used the normal Gardenia bread, spread with garlic butter & toasted them in the bread toaster.

Next is the shortbread wedges...also ok...didn't know it was THAT simple. Rangup & sedap. Mengikut kata orang yang berkongsi resipi tersebut, kalo tak nak buat bentuk wedges, boleh juga buat bentuk bulat kecik2 maka akan jadi choc chip cookies lah plak kan. But I'd prefer the wedges style. Nanti boleh buat lagi & bubuh more choc chips :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting A Facelift...for my blog

Love it!

Out of a sudden, I got bored with my blog's background image. The urge to switch to a new one came right there & then so I had to do it. Browsed thru the tons of images provided by Blogger and I came down to few options that fit to my liking. Finally satisfied with one design by Juxtagirl (refer above).

Feeling flowery gitu :)

One thing that I forgot to do was to save a screenshot of the old background image. Should have done that for "Before & After" look of my blog. Also I decided to change the title header from "Blogging When Time Permits" (as in the URL) to "More Than Words" which crossed my mind at the moment I was looking for a new title (well the song with the same title by Extreme is one of my all time favorites so it seemed right!).

Depending on my mood, I'll most probably keep changing the background image from time to time. So will the blog title...ha ha...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jumping On the Bandwagon

I just welcomed BlackBerry into my life 2 days ago. finally! rasanya dh lama nak convert to bb tapi asyik put on hold. thanks to my dear OH yg sponsor the bb :)

already added few friends in my bb messenger or BBM. cool eh! (hehe kesian orang ketinggalan zaman mcm den nie). love the sounds when a bb message comes in. jakun kuikui!

ok Salam Ramadan 1432H.
Semoga ibadah kita diberkatiNya, Amin!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's Been 12 Years!

10 JULY 1999 - I remember that very day...fresh in my mind. The day I got married! The akad nikah was in the afternoon, the venue was at my parents home, when my husband shook my dad's hand. Twice. I was officially his wife.

Fast forward to 2011, it's been 12 years Alhamdulillah! Few minutes past 12 midnite (Sunday, July 10) my hubby handed me a pink-enveloped anniversary card. Oh crap! I forgot to buy one for him. I'm so sorry Bang...too much going on in my head that it slipped my mind. Padahal that day (Saturday) dapat unrecorded leave due to BERSIH. 4pm sent Kakak to her piano class then me & the kids grabbed late afternoon lunch at Subway, later a minor grocery trip to Giant. Haa kan byk tu nak fikir sampai lupa nak beli Anniversary Card...isk! *tepuk dahi*

But before going on writing about my 12th Anniversary celebration, there was a very sad news. We were saddened to hear the passing of my cousin's hubby, in the morning (8am) of July 10. Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun. Al-Fatihah.

Due to running Sunday errands, somehow we couldn't make it for the funeral which was scheduled after Zohor at Gombak. We decided to go visit my cousin later in the afternoon. So I proceeded cooking lunch for us. Nasi Tomato + Ayam Masak Merah + Acar as planned earlier.

This is my plate...makan sikit je tauuu :P

Here's the home-made choc cake for the special occasion baked the night before
The insert pic is how the top of the cake looked like, dusted with icing sugar (kunun nak kreatif tapi comot. aah nevermind, usaha tu yang penting kan?)

Later at about 3:45pm, we left home for Gombak. Reached my cousin's house & I went straight to see her in her room. She was lying down, weak, not eating since morning and being comforted by neighbors & family. At times she would sob and later tried to control herself. She was clearly distraught. Being an extra emotional person myself, I couldn't help but cry seeing her that way. She just lost her dear husband. I can't imagine if I were in her shoes. She's only 46 with 6 kids. Ya Allah, Engkau berilah kekuatan kepada sepupu ku ini...semoga dia tabah & redha Amin!

Dared not speak to her, worried that I would breakdown. Let her do her Asar prayers & gave her space to rest. We stayed there for a while, solat Asar & by 6pm it was time to leave. I gathered my strength to see my cousin coz I knew I would definitely breakdown & yes I did! We hugged & sobbed together! "Sabar", "jaga kesihatan" "aku doakan"...not much words came out from my mouth...I also told her "kalau nak nangis, nangis aje...bagi lega" something like that. Bukan menangis nak meratap which is wrong, tapi untuk melepaskan perasaan hiba tu...

Then we were off. Episod duka hari ini. I told my hubby, the day we celebrate our 12th Anniversary is the same day that my cousin lost her hubby. IRONIC or what?

On our way home, we stopped for our Anniversary dinner at Chili's Empire Subang. Suamiku belanja, Alhamdulillah! Seronoknya dapat makan our fav dessert of all time, Chili's Molten Choc Cake served warm with Vanilla Ice cream *yums*! Some of the pics have already been posted in the previous entry. Click here


P/S: Feeling guilty for not getting my hubby an Anniversary card, I went straight to SACC Mall right after work on Monday to get one. Scribbled few sentences before leaving it on his pillow. (I notice that we used to write longer on our birthday & anniversary cards but somehow the words are getting lesser LOL!)

Yang pergi, disedekahkan Al-Fatihah.
Yang tinggal, kehidupan harus diteruskan & semoga mendapat keredhaanNya, Amin!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Picasa 3 - My First Time

...Gallery of my 12th Wedding Anniversary...
(notice that more food pics than human's? ish ish)

One of the things I like to do is exploring new things :)

So today, tried my hands on Picasa 3 (free download is available, just google it). Found it quite easy to use...yeay!

The above piece of artwork is my very first Collage (setting: Picture Pile) done using Picasa 3. Simply imported few pics, played around with the buttons, clicked here & there...aaaand voila!

So this is how people do it...sonang ajo eh ekekeke...

This collage comprises of pics related to my Wedding Anniversary, (12th this year) celebrated on 10 July 2011 (Sunday). That will be my next entry, coming up later.

Next new thing learned today is how to watermark photos. It's as easy as 1-2-3 y'all (kesian i baru belajar, org lain dah lama tau heh)

Thanks Picasa 3!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Not-So-Normal Saturday (June 25)

In the morning, ran into a little mishap while reversing to sidepark the car at my workplace. Dayem! No wonder rasa tak sedap hati je pagi2. Come to think of it, bukan ke aku biasa park kat situ? nak jadi hal lah kan. So I text my hubby about it & he later came over all the way from Shah Alam to pick up his car (yup I drive HIS car) & left me with mine. sayang betul dgn kereta dia hehe...lagi pun nak cepat2 hantar workshop. Dear Abang, I'm sorry menyusahkan Abang today...

Here's a glimpse of it

and here's the cause (grrrr...)
Done with that...let the hubby settle the car problem.

Back in the office, found out that our gaji belum masuk...delayed till Monday...WHAT! ahhh never mind...

Later after work (yes I work Saturdays until 1pm) at about 1:40pm, me & 8 other colleagues were on foot to Maharaja Lawak eh silap Maharajalela Monorail Station to go to Berjaya Times Square for our bowling session. Everybody agreed not to take our cars as to avoid the Saturday afternoon heavy traffic (lagipun i takde mood nak drive after this morning incident).

I also realized that after 5 years working here, this was my first time taking a monorail from office to BTS. Thot it would be a nice experience kononnya...aaaaand guess what? KL Monorail was down with some technical problems since 10am. WTH! tahan teksi tapi semua tak nak pegi BTS, traffic jam ada jalan tutup bla bla katanya. takkan nak menapak kot tongahari buto nie? to cut the long story short, we managed to catch a train (the backup one I supposed) and reached BTS at 3pm.

Ok bowling time! 3 games and we had a good time. (I = IZIB)

Done with bowling, we decided to go back. Semua takde mood nak melepak makan2 or shopping2 since gaji tak masuk 6pm we were already waiting for our train. After about 10 mins of waiting aaaaand guess what? We heard announcement on the speakers that there was gonna be a 1 hour delay. 1 HOUR? seems that whatever the technical problems were, they hadn't managed to solve it since 10am. VERY disappointed...screw KL Monorail!

So we were left with not much option but TO WALK back to office!


Jalan kaki sejauh tak pasti berapa km, dari Imbi Station (BTS) balik ke ofis, passing by V.I. & Stadium Negara.

Eventually we MADE IT (I consider this a major accomplishment and may have lost a few kgs ha ha ha). Reached office, took my car & drove home in a Saturday evening traffic with a manual transmission car! Lotihhh kaki makcik!

Just wanted to sit back & relax (kaki dah rasa sengal2 adehh).

So it was movie time! Our Saturday nite movie @home:
KONGSI Lu Langsi Lu Mati
Not bad! Enjoyed it very much :D