Thursday, October 6, 2011


Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011

Tribute on Apple website

Circa 2001, I was first properly introduced to Macs while working at an IT trading company. Despite the majority of my work involving the Mac-rival PC, I got to know Apple machines better than ever. I had to coz we were selling it. Went to few trainings and briefings to make sure we were well-informed on it, the Mac OS X (OS 10, not OS ex), read the Mac Myths, warmed up to the term i's (iTunes, iMovie etc). I was fascinated by what these apps could do, simple few clicks and drag-drops. Who ever said that Macs were not user friendly?

Then of course, there was this genius guy, the Co-Founder of Apple, the mastermind. This was when I learned about Mr Steve Jobs.

Going along the years (until 2006 when I resigned from the company), I could not help myself from getting fascinated by his innovative creations. There were the iMac G3, iMac G4, PowerMacs, PowerBooks, iPod, with all the apps. Very suitable for the creative people or those working in the creative industry, also for the youngsters market.

Though I switched career and went from IT to retail industry, I kept close with Apple's developments. Mr Jobs later introduced the iPhone and latest gadget he brought to the world is iPad. No doubt that Steve Jobs is one of the greatest innovators in the modern world!

And later came the news that he was diagnosed with cancer. Saw pics of him giving his keynotes at Mac conventions, skinny, how he had lost weight battling the illness. Pity him.

On Oct 5 2011, he lost his long battle with pancreatic cancer (PC)...I read a comment somewhere on the internet "too bad he lost to PC"...subtle...very subtle.

Steve Jobs has died. And I can't help feeling sad for I've always admired him for Apple.

The only Apple gadget I have has been carefully kept in my closet for the past 3 months. I have been meaning to use it but kept postponing since I already have my BlackBerry.

Therefore, today as the whole world mourns the death of Steve Jobs, I have decided to officially start using my iPhone4.

Thank you Steve Jobs!