Thursday, June 28, 2012

Instagram - my latest obsession

I love snapping away.
Therefore I instag.

That's the best line I could come up with...after several others used earlier. Think I'm gonna stick with this one for the time being.

Y.E.S. I love instagram! It's free just like Twitter & Facebook. Simply download the app to your smartphones, register and voila! You're set to go! Start snapping, editing & sharing your photos with your friends.

You can share your photos via Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, Foursquare if your friends do not have instagram. Opt to set your private setting to ON if you do not wish to share your photos with the public.

Start following people & enjoy browsing their pics. Similar to Facebook, there are options to Like & Comment on people's photos too.

That's about it. Thank me later :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jan 2012 Birthday Celebration

...delayed telecast...

There are 4 of us in the family. That makes 4 birthdays to celebrate every year.

Hubby's birthday is in January while our son's in February. I celebrate mine in June & our daughter's in July. It's a two-part of two consecutive months yearly event.

So last January, we celebrated the dear husband's birthday in Kedah. We happened to balik kampung around that time. On the eve of his birthday, made plans to have dinner at Menara Alor Star with his family. Unfortunately the PIL couldn't join coz they needed to attend a kenduri.

Off we family, SIL, BIL & their families.

Menara Alor Setar

On our way, we stopped by a cake shop to pick up the birthday cake ordered earlier by the SIL. Thank you very much for sponsoring the cake! :)

The Birthday Cake

This was my family second time up on the tower. We went to the observation deck during our first trip here, which was in August 2009. This time we headed to the revolving restaurant for a steamboat buffet dinner.

Revolving restaurant D'Saji Skyview at Menara Alor Setar

The steamboat dinner costed about RM 29.00 nett per person. Can't remember the rate for kids. The spread was good, we really enjoyed our time eating there. Besides eating, of course we took pictures (it was me snapping away most of the time hehe...)

And the BIL was so kind & generous that he took care of the whole bill. Thank you very much!

The Birthday Boy with us :)

More pictures of the whole group (Anak-menantu-cucu Haji Ahmad)
Please click for bigger image

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to the SIL & BIL for making this happen. And of course for their generosity :)

Happy 41st Birthday my love!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Izzul Zikry is 8!

Izzul Zikry thru the years...

Feb 21, 2004 - I gave birth to a healthy 3.3kg baby boy @Sunway Medical Centre. It was noon.

We named him Izzul Zikry bin Suhaimi. Initially it was Izzul Zikry Zafran but we decided to drop Zafran at the very last minute before the hubby made his trip to JPN to register our newborn.

It has been 8 years!

Mama loves you very much.

May Allah bless all your footsteps, my son...Amin!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2012 - New Look with New Accessory

camwhoring HAHAHA!

Today, Feb 16 2012, I debut my new look with my brand new glasses picked up last night by the hubby. Still trying to adapt & know when you put them on, you feel imbalanced something like that...

The hubby happily made fun of me last night when he said, "ambik masa nak adjust...jgn paksa, kang jatuh longkang..." and he giggled...sukanyaaa dia! He would say..."biasa lah umur dah nak masuk 40 nie mmg camtu" ok ok...

After postponing for few weeks, finally I made it to England Optical Alam Sentral to get my glasses last Saturday, accompanied by hubby & the kids. The reason going there simply because the hubby got his glasses there too.

Got my eyes checked, the reading was:
Right eye = 100
Left eye = 175

This should be the accurate one than the one I did before at another optical shop (R=125, L=225). The girl recommended few frames & I sangat berkenan with the first one she showed me, which is the one I'm wearing. It is full-framed (coz I find half-framed not suitable on my face) with frame color of maroonish & pinkish.

Tried few times just to be satisfied. The hubby said "Ok sesuai" but kids, when asked how did Mama look, they said Mama nampak garang lah...macam Guru Disiplin lah...macam Guru Besar lah...sabar je makcik.

Once confirmed what type of glass I wanted, went for another test. The one looking at the alphabet projected on the wall thingy. Ok done. Made payment & was advised that the glasses will be ready on Monday. Unfortunately they were only ready for pick-up yesterday (Wed, Feb 15 2012).

So last night, I finally got my glasses. Tried watching TV with them, images & writings look sharper...ok ok. But still getting a slight headache lah. The eyes must be working really hard to adjust the focus with the new glasses.

My vision problem was first realized mid of last year, when I no longer could clearly see the writings on billboards while driving home from work at nights. Besides the age factor, the lengthy amount of time used staring at pc & laptop monitors must have worsened the problem. Of course...can't argue with that since I spend most of the day at work, in front of my laptop. And as if that is not enough, spend more time in front of my home PC surfing internet at nights (screw all these social medias...facebook, twitter, blogspot, youtube etc HAHAHA).

Rabun's short-sightedness lah kan...

"Short-sightedness causes distant objects to appear blurry and unfocused, whereas close objects stay in focus."

For the time being, I put my glasses on & off...still adapting. Will be using them occasionally i.e. when driving home at night. Tried using them while working on the computer but cannot tahan the glasses end up either on my table or ku biarkan bertenggek atas kepalaku (refer images above).

It's true what people say...age is finally catching up. Definitely true to me in this case.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

[D]id [I] [E]at [T]hat

Adele pun dah kurus sikit woiiii!

Ever heard the saying

"Hard to lose, Easy to gain"?

HAHAHA that's the exact words to describe my weight!
I ada faktor genetic jugak have to live with it.

"Diet? Why on earth would I want to do something with the word 'die' in it!"
yup I tweeted that before...errr not really my words lah, just copy paste mcm biasa :D

Diet is very tough for konon2 I suka lah pernyataan yg I tweet tu kan...
*me think* ish tak kuasa ler aku nak diet2 nie...makan je lah...belasahhh...



Out of a sudden, it hit me early of this month to DO something about it.
Berat badan pun makin menjadi2 naik maklumlah makan ikut selera heheh.
It dawned on me that it's high time for me to SERIOUSLY take control of this matter...

I am willing to strive this time around.
Losing weight was one of my last year's (2011) resolutions but to no avail.
So wish me all the best ya!

May 2012 bring the new me!
*Semangat siuttt...harap2 jgn ler hangat2 **** ayam*