Tuesday, February 14, 2012

[D]id [I] [E]at [T]hat

Adele pun dah kurus sikit woiiii!

Ever heard the saying

"Hard to lose, Easy to gain"?

HAHAHA that's the exact words to describe my weight!
I ada faktor genetic jugak hokeh...so have to live with it.

"Diet? Why on earth would I want to do something with the word 'die' in it!"
yup I tweeted that before...errr not really my words lah, just copy paste mcm biasa :D

Diet is very tough for me...so konon2 I suka lah pernyataan yg I tweet tu kan...
*me think* ish tak kuasa ler aku nak diet2 nie...makan je lah...belasahhh...



Out of a sudden, it hit me early of this month to DO something about it.
Berat badan pun makin menjadi2 naik maklumlah makan ikut selera heheh.
It dawned on me that it's high time for me to SERIOUSLY take control of this matter...

I am willing to strive this time around.
Losing weight was one of my last year's (2011) resolutions but to no avail.
So wish me all the best ya!

May 2012 bring the new me!
*Semangat siuttt...harap2 jgn ler hangat2 **** ayam*

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